لتصفح المزيد من الوظائف إضغط هناواحة الوظائف وظائف 2023 تحديث يومي للوظائف الشاغرةوظفني

تبحث شركة امنيــــة عن متدربيــن متحمسيــن ومبدعيـن للإنضمـام إلى فريقها

تبحث شركة امنية عن متدربين متحمسين ومبدعين للإنضمام إلى فريقها


Internship Brief




Internship Brief:


Umniah is seeking for motivated, handwork, and creative interns to Join our Team to support our functions and employees, to maintain the ongoing atmosphere between foundations and Umniah engaged, and of course based on our availability.


The duration of the internship depends on the type of your training, which will offer excellent opportunities for interns to develop professional and technical skills and to be able to work closely with experts in different fields.



We are looking for interns to join Umniah family, only applicants who fit the requirements will move forward to the next step.




Education: Bachelor’s degree.




Good command of MS Office.
Good command of the English Language.
Details Oriented.
Highly follow-up skills.
Good communication skills

Planning & Organization





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